
16.8. The colors menu

16.8.1. Introduction to the colors menu

16.8.2. Color balance

16.8.3. Color temperature

16.8.4. Hue chroma

16.8.5. Hue saturation

16.8.6. Saturation

16.8.7. 노출(Exposure)

16.8.8. Shadows highlights

16.8.9. Brightness contrast

16.8.10. 레벨(Levels)

16.8.11. Curves

16.8.12. 반전(Invert)

16.8.13. Linear invert

16.8.14. Value invert

16.8.15. The auto submenu

16.8.16. Equalize

16.8.17. White balance

16.8.18. Stretch contrast

16.8.19. Stretch contrast HSV

16.8.20. Color enhance

16.8.21. Color enhance legacy

16.8.22. The “Components” submenu

16.8.23. 채널 혼합

16.8.24. Extract component

16.8.25. Mono mixer

16.8.26. Compose

16.8.27. Decompose

16.8.28. Recompose

16.8.29. The “Desaturate” submenu

16.8.30. Color to gray

16.8.31. Desaturate

16.8.32. Mono mixer

16.8.33. Sepia

16.8.34. The “Map” submenu

16.8.35. 색상표 재배치(Rearrange colormap)

16.8.36. Set colormap

16.8.37. Alien map

16.8.38. Color exchange

16.8.39. Rotate colors

16.8.40. Gradient map

16.8.41. Palette map

16.8.42. Sample colorize

16.8.43. The “Tone Mapping” submenu

16.8.44. Fattal et al. 2002

16.8.45. Mantiuk 2006

16.8.46. Reinhard 2005

16.8.47. Stress

16.8.48. Retinex

16.8.49. The “Info” submenu

16.8.50. Histogram

16.8.51. Border average

16.8.52. Colorcube analysis

16.8.53. Export histogram

16.8.54. Smooth palette

16.8.55. Threshold

16.8.56. 색상화(Colorize)

16.8.57. Posterize

16.8.58. Color to alpha

16.8.59. 디더링(Dither)

16.8.60. RGB clip

16.8.61. Hot
